It’s always snowing on the other side of the fence

Well, we have rain, at last. Lots and lots and I’m loving it because now I don’t have to stand outside and water everyday for 30 minutes. But alas, it is not snowing.

My friend Annelies sent me some photos of her area in Holland. The last time I was there it only snowed enough to hit the ground and melt. I was so disappointed. But this year it is covering everything and I’m sitting in the rain.

Oh well, I guess if I lived in it I would not be as happy to see it but I sure did enjoy the photos. So I’ve decided to share them with you for those of you who would like to have a white Christmas, here it is. (double click on photos if you would like a closer look)

I love the windmill peeking out in back



I’d love to be sitting with a bright red snow suit under this tree.

Thank you for sending me these photos Annelies. I hope to make it back one year for the snow and those winter markets. Those were the best.