First Day Of Summer

Well here in Hawaii, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and where do the people go?  Not to the museum.

We can count on a drop in visitors at Bishop Museum when it’s a beautiful day.

Because…. They are all at the beach!


And here in Hawaii once you get to the beach what do you do?



Pray for surf


Have a great summer everyone.

2 comments on “First Day Of Summer

  1. Have a great summer! By the way, I thought you have more or less summer all year? 😉


    • It’s funny to some people. Well most people but when the temperature drops to the high 70’s we feel like it’s winter because we are just not used to that. But actually there is a winter here on the big Island of Hawaii as it snows and the temperatures drop down into the 30s in the 40s but here on a Oahu it pretty much stays around the 70s and the 80s this year though it did. Drop into the 50s.

      What are your summer temperatures do you have high humidity that is what really gets us it’s the humidity not the high temperatures. Love your photos enjoy your summer

      Sent from my iPhone



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