Manaikalani at Bishop Museum

DSCN1256Manaiakalani made from wood. The tip is bone lashed on with Ol0na a cord made from the fiber of the Olona tree.

When giving tours to children, at the Bishop Museum, the first stop is to the case containing Maui’s fish-hook which is called Manaiakalani. Maui sometimes called a god and sometimes called a demigod was famous throughout the pacific. It is even said that many belive he really did exist at some time in history.

IMG_1180Maui, the Manaiakalani and the ‘Alae ‘Ula

For the children though I think the story of how Maui, given the hook Manaikalani by his father, took his brother fishing for the giant fish Pimoi captivates their imagination.

The brothers were to paddle their canoe out to sea and not look back as Maui baited the hook with the ‘Alae ‘Ula or what is called the Hawaiian Moorhen. You can see the hen in Maui’s hand in the above photo. It was said that Pimoi was attracted to the red around the birds face.

As the brothers paddled and Maui held on to the line the giant fish emerged. The brothers looked back, the fish pulled away and the line snapped causing the fish to break apart and the hook to fly off into the sky where it became the constellation Manaiakalani or Scorpius.

And what happened to the fish? Well he broke apart. Each part became a Hawaiian Island. Hey that’s just as believable as George Washington not being able to tell a lie!

I always ask the kids what their version is and there is always a different one or they may not have heard it at all. But they enjoy hearing about the waves thrashing and something big coming out of the ocean and I enjoy telling the story to them. Believe it or not even some adults like the story too. What do you think?


Where’s the Pig or What You Might or Most Likely Not See While Hiking on Oahu.

IMG_6419Koolau Range

Entering the mountains here on Oahu makes me feel immediately at peace. In the past I would go with friends on pig hunts but knew in my heart they would not catch anything. For one thing they always left to late and you had to be in the mountains at the crack of dawn to catch anything worth while. The last thing I wanted to see was a pig getting killed.

DSCN1534 A pig hunter heading down the road with his wild boar trophy on his truck

While hiking I would hear rustling in the bushes. This was most likely a sign of pigs. But I never saw one. But while driving through a rural neighborhood I saw one out on the road checking his mail. At least that is what it looked like as he headed towards a mailbox.

While walking my dog at dusk I could see another dog walking towards us. But his feet seemed so dainty and he seemed so light on them. It turned out to be a young pig taking a walk down the street. He saw us coming towards him and he took off. I’d never seen anything walk so fast in high heels as this little guy. Well once again that is how it looked as his little porky toes click, clacked down the street. But no, I never saw one in the mountain.

As it is I don’t have to go into the mountains to see pigs as they seem to be all around me. I would have to say here though. They are destructive. They tear up all of the native forest and root into the forest floor. So pig hunting is necessary to try to keep the population down and of course for luaus.

3372289796_2c776f7d98_bSo this is the closest I’ve been to a pig even though it’s not alive. This is a pig being dressed for a luau. They will put the hot stones inside of the cuts in the body and then lay him onto hot stones in the ground after he has been wrapped  and then buried with dirt. Can anyone say Kalua Pig?

Art In Public Places The State Foundation of Culture and the Arts

While at Kapolei library I’m like a person with an addiction. With my empty bag for my books in hand, Nico and I entered with much anticipation. It’s a push me, pull me quandary when I’m there. At home books are piled on my night stand, dresser, and bookshelf in my 10 x 12 bedroom. They flow out into the living room shelves and a wicker chest in the family room.

So as I walk Nico into the library we are no longer two but four. There are always two little imps on either side of my shoulders fighting me to check out this book or that one while I try to reason with them. “No, I have to finish my books at home first.”

I needed to distract myself so I started to look at the pieces of art hanging and sitting in various places. It’s funny as many times as I go into the Kapolei Library, I never take the time to look at anything other than books.

On closer observation I noticed all kinds of art pieces besides the quilts that are always hanging. The work was on loan from the State Foundation of Culture and the arts. The project is called “Art in Public Places.”

In an effort to expose local artist to the public you can see all types of work in many institutions throughout the islands. So I thought I would share my distraction with you.

IMG_0245When the missionaries first came to the islands they showed the Hawaiian Women how to quilt. As is the way of the Hawaiians they took the basics and turned it into their own style.

IMG_0248Hawaiian women would get together and make their patterns from the different trees and flowers that grew on the islands and then make their quilts from those

IMG_0249I once read that the Hawaiian women would get together for several days, make themselves some strong drink from Ti plants and  appoint one person to do all the dishes. They would then start working on a quilt. All would help with the one quilt. The one who was appointed to do the dishes also helped. Having to do dishes softened the fingers making it hard to push the needle in and out to quilt. So you can see the importance of that dishwasher. Those Hawaiians. They thought of everything. What a party that must have been.

They also used their quilts to protest the fact that the Americans were making them take down their flag so the American flag could fly in its place. Protest Quilt


The three pieces above and below are by Wayne Miyata. It is called 3 Zen Monks

Speak No Evil

IMG_0254See No Evil

IMG_0255Hear No Evil

IMG_0256Victor Holmes’ Nani Umeke (Umeke is a bowl)

IMG_0258Sidney T.K. Yee’s Parallels (ceramic)

IMG_0261George Wright’s Pueo (Hawaii’s indigenous Owl)

English: Boerhavia sp. (seeds attached to head...

English: Boerhavia sp. (seeds attached to head of Pueo). Location: Maui, Kanaha Beach (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I posted a photo here so you can see what the Hawaiian owl looks like. Isn’t he just exquisite. I love owls

IMG_0262Bird of Paradise. They are beautiful plants that I myself have growing in my yard. This painting had no signage so may you can double-click on it and see what that signature is.

IMG_0264This was just a poster up in the library showing all of the indigenous creatures of Hawaii. I bet the original is a beautiful piece of art though.

IMG_0263What can I say, I just loved this poster. Anyway looking at all this art worked. I went home with an empty bag full of books. (Nico’s that is)